The School has etched its name in history and are proud recipients of two Guinness World Records for forming the Largest Human Image of Torch and second by writing and sending the record breaking no. (i.e. 5861) of telegrams from multiple locations.

The School has also been awarded with the much Esteemed British Council International Award (ISA 2014-17).

Gujarat Public School, BRG Group has won a very prestigious award

“CBSE Sports Promotion Award 2013-2014”.

The award was handed over to GPS by the Honorable Chairman of CBSE Shri Vinit Joshi in the presence of Hon. HRD Minister of India, Mrs. Smriti Irani at Delhi.

GPS triumphs yet again after bagging the CBSE West Zone Cluster Basketball Championship for the year 2014 & 2015.

We at Gujarat Public School believe in encouraging and motivating students to do better and excel in various fields. School rewards the winning students with prizes and certificates in Co-curricular activity and competition.Rolling Trophy for the Best House, the Best sports person of the year. Also Merit Certificates are awarded to the merit holders who excel in academics. Certificates are awarded to all the students, at the end of the session, for those who come to school cycling throughout the year!

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