Ensure that the rules and regulations of the school is strictly observed by your child.

 Inculcate discipline, punctuality, good manners, habits of orderliness and neatness in your child.

 Take pride to inspire your child to become a law abiding and worthy citizen of the country.

 Once the child comes to school, he/ she will not be allowed to leave the school except in emergency cases.

 Acknowledge all communications, circulars etc. addressed to you .and respond promptly.

 Encourage self help at work and study so that your child can become a resourceful and useful member of the society.

 Please consider all our suggestions in positive sense.

 Adhere to changes, if any, in the standard terms and conditions of the school from time to time as circumstances may      require.

 Support the school in enforcing all its rules, students’ dress and behaviour code.

Note : These guidelines are not exhaustive. Please refer to the school almanac for detailed guidelines

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